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June 9th  - August 10th, 2012

Invernomuto ( was bom in 2003 as an audio-video experimentation group. Focusing on collapsing and the integrating of languages, the group works on oversize productions like the editorial project ffwd mag. Producing videos, projectmg live-media performances and organising special events ancf projects, the group shows its interest on the relation between images and sounds. Holedigger - Mud Reductions is an ephemer monument, an homage at hole making in the garden. It's a celebration of the fall, where the important is not the fall itself, nor the landing, rather the mud baptism.


In collaboration with mudboy (

Art At Work (

Art At Work is a project by liana Bonacossa, Paola Clerico, Luca Conzato, liana Glanni, Riccardo Ronchi, Francesco Stocchi.

credits foto: Moira Ricci

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